Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gender Issues

There are many responsibilities that are required by both sexes. Many of which that are stereotypes that society has given to both men and women. Women shouldn’t be the sex targeted to take care of the children, cook, clean and not recognized for working. On the other hand, men shouldn’t be the only sex rewarded for having a higher role in the household and in society. This difference is not fair; both sexes need to have flexibility among the duties that each sex participates. Society has made the image of a house wife typically women and the bread-winner typically men. This is where the line should be drawn, women don’t have to take care of the children, they could work and men could be the "stay-at-home-parent" if that's their choice. Don’t get me wrong, if having a nuclear type family system is established in a house-hold that is agreed by both the female and male, then there's no hierarchy since everything is equal. But for the house-holds that are based on a male dominant house-hold, then there’s a problem. Both the male and the female should be equal in the same environment.
There's a story about a father who was in a car accident with his son and only the son was injured. The father took his son to the hospital but the doctor refused to operate on the injured boy; because the boy was the doctor's son. The image that society created would make one assume that the doctor is the father of the son although the story made it clear that the father was in a car accident with the son (Something to think about!)